Monday, July 15, 2013

KidCity Kick-off

We're excited to announce The Pathway's next major outreach and serving opportunity.  August 4th will be the start of a highly intensive week that we're calling KidCity Kick-off.  We are incredibly excited about what God has in store for our community that week.  We are prayerfully approaching the week of August 4th and we want to ask you to join us in prayer.  

What is KidCity Kick-off? Up to now our kids ministry has been called Kids Ave. However, as we have been growing and God has been bringing us more families and children and plating in us a vision to see families in Tacoma transformed by the gospel, he was also laying on our Kids Ministry Director a new vision.  To sum it up, we desperately want to be a church that equips parents to disciple their children and we believe that involves so much more than Sunday morning.  We are trying to partner with parents to teach their kids about God's love.  With this in mind, we decided to make some needed changes to our current Sunday theme and approach and we figured when we were finished we might as well make a BIG DEAL about launching the new and improved KidCity!

Well, as we were talking about this we were also planning a major outreach push for the month of September.  Long story short, God began closing the doors for our intensive September outreach (although we will still be doing a lot with some mission teams) and rapidly opening doors to serve, spend time with and show God's love to the families in our community in August.  We've never done anything quite like this but we are praying that God would open the flood gates of life change in the lost and unchurched families in Tacoma.

How can you pray?  First and foremost please pray that God would be glorified through this outreach.  Second, please make note of the calendar below and pray for all the events going on.  We already have upwards of 30 kids signed up for our Kids Club and we are hoping to gain a huge amount of community sign-ups at our August 4th block party!  Please pray for the mailers we will be sending out to central Tacoma inviting them to the block party.  Please pray that logistics would fall into place and that central Tacoma, including Hilltop, would feel the love of God through our church.

Please pray for our church.  Pray that the families in our church would be bold in inviting friends and neighbors to the block party and to the kids club.  Finally, pray for a HUGE kingdom harvest that we are asking God to bring on Sunday August 11th.  The entire week we are going to be pushing our KidCity Launch on Sunday August 11th.  We averaged about 21 kids on Sunday mornings in the month of June.  We are asking God to bring 60 kids Sunday August 11th!  I hope this is not a foolish prayer.  I really believe God can do this.  That Sunday we will be letting the kids show off what they learned in Kids Club, passing out KidCity back-packs stuffed with school supplies and most importantly presenting the gospel in a very clear way.

God knows what he wants to do through KidCity Kick-off.  We trust that.  Lets pray together for his will to be done, the name of his son Jesus to be lifted high and his glory to be made known.  Thanks!

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