Monday, March 17, 2014

Humbled & South Africa

My last post was entitled discouraged.  It has been a pretty tough season of life and ministry and I really just wanted to do what I've always done with this blog... paint a real picture for you of life and church planting.  Well, the result of the post 2 weeks ago was incredibly humbling and all I can do is say thank you.  Thank you for reading this blog.  Thank you for caring about me, my family, The Pathway and the city of Tacoma.  Thank you for all the kind and encouraging words, texts, Facebook messages, e-mails and even snail mail cards you have lavished on me the last couple of weeks.  I'm humbled by your care.  I'm humbled by your encouragement.  I'm humbled by your love.

I'm also encouraged.  I know that God has called me and my family to love this city.  We don't ever plan on leaving this city.  We hope to see our kids graduate high school in this city.  We hope and pray that God's Spirit will transform and awaken out city in a unique and powerful way.  God has given so much encouragement to me, by his grace, since last week.  My son Jagen was sick with a pretty high temperature on the night that my Intentional Community gathers.  I texted our IC to cancel and one of our ladies texted back and said, "Why don't we just meet at my house and I'll lead?"  So encouraged that while we were at home with our kids, our IC still gathered and grew together with Jesus.

I'm encouraged by lives moving toward Jesus.  A friend that I've been meeting with who had not yet confessed Jesus as Lord had a break through last week.  Glory to God!  Another friend I've been spending time with texted me and asked if he could gather with my IC.  What?  Awesome!  God has just been lavishing his love on me, my family and my church the last couple weeks and for that I am incredibly thankful.  I know it is a result of your prayers.  I'm encouraged.

I'm also in awe of what God is doing in our midst.  Many of you were praying for our first ever global mission team.  We got to see the beauty of the body of Christ working together as another local church invited us to go with them to serve Jesus in South Africa.  While there, our three missionaries worked with a pastor and his church to serve people for over a week in a small, struggling township in South Africa.  Below is a video that paints a picture of all that the team did, the people they were able to love on and minister to, and the glory that was given to God in the process.

I love you all.  Just as Paul said, I thank God every time I remember you!

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