Friday, January 8, 2010

The Pathway 2010

I'm sitting in the Mandolin Cafe going over a few things before our gathering tonight. God has really convicted me that I am not demonstrating nearly enough faith that he can bring salvation to the people we are reaching. Yesterday I began praying for the faith to believe and God really laid it on my heart to ask for salvation at tonight's gathering. He asked me to pray for 10 people so that's what I am doing. That's such a BIG request in my mind and heart but such a simple task for the God of the universe.

My ultimate desire is that God be glorified in and through those who are a part of The Pathway. I also happen to believe that one of the ways God gets the most glory is when sinners are converted to Him! If you happen to read this blog before tonight please join me in praying for 2 things: 1) Pray that I don't get in the way of what God wants to do because of a lack of faith. 2) Pray for those 10 people. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be stirring in their hearts and drawing them to Jesus.

I believe that God is faithful. I believe that Jesus is Savior.

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